Recommended iPad Apps for BYODD
The list of Apps below has been carefully compiled as being recommended for use in the 'Re-Imagining' classrooms. This list is a starting point and you can expect that an updated list will be provided as we move further into this program.
Most of the Apps are free however some will need to be purchased. The purchase of these Apps for classroom use can occur as your child requires them. Teachers will inform you and the students as to when they are needed.
Some of the Apps on the list should come pre-populated onto the device as part of the iPad purchase but please check that this is the case.
Please ensure that you download the paid version of the app if it is recommended. The unpaid versions of these apps do not offer the same features and so can not be used in class. Please ensure that the iPad version of each of the apps is installed to the devices. The iPhone versions will appear small on the iPad screen.