Baulkham Hills North Public School

Baulkham Hills North Public School is a large Kindergarten to Year 6 primary school, located in the leafy Hills District of North Western Sydney.
Baulkham Hills North Public School has a strong academic focus with a significant emphasis on literacy and numeracy development. The school's core values TRUTH, RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY, KINDNESS, EFFORT and LOYALTY are explicitly taught with Choice Theory principles of internal psychology underpinning the student wellbeing and behaviour policies, programs and practices.
In 2024, the enrolment of 925 students is comprised of many nationalities with 66% being from language backgrounds other than English. There are 60 different language groups representing 54 countries. The main cultural groups are those from the Indian Sub Continent Community (18.5%), the Chinese community (18.9%) and then the Korean Community (6%). Aboriginal students make up 1.5% of the overall student enrolment. There are highly experienced EAL/D educators who successfully support the development of those students coming from backgrounds where English is not their family's first language.
The Baulkham Hills North staff is enthusiastic, dedicated and caring. All students benefit enormously from the teaching expertise of highly experienced educators who uphold high expectations and share a collective responsibility for the optimal performance of every student at our school. There is a strong culture of collaboration when planning and implementing teaching and learning programs. Grade teaching teams are led by instructional leaders who work to support teachers to develop and improve their teaching capacities, uplifting student performance.
The families of Baulkham Hills North Public School are highly aspirational and actively work in a positive partnership with the school to support and participate in the range of activities that enhance educational opportunity for all students. These strong collaborative partnerships include the School P&C, The Classroom Connector Program and the PUPIL Program. Programs and information sessions are delivered by the school throughout each year to increase every family's capacity to actively support, reinforce and enable the aspirations of every student.
There are extensive offerings for students beyond the classroom where an increasing range of extra-curricular activities are available to enhance their educational experiences and support their holistic development. Dance, sport, public speaking, music, drama, chess, robotics, choir, strings and clarinet ensemble are just some of the opportunities delivered by our talented teachers to the students each year. Performance opportunities are plentiful with students each year enjoying their participation in the Annual Schools Spectacular, The Festival of Instrumental Music at the Opera House, The Primary Proms at Sydney Town Hall, The Hills Performing Arts Evening and at many school performance events. Community providers overlay and enrich these offerings with students being able to participate in performance bands, string ensembles, dance, guitar, language, keyboards and other activities after school.
Primary OoSH Care also provide quality program experiences for the many students who are in their care before and after school every day and through the school vacation periods.
At our school we provide a high-quality education through diverse educational programs that challenge and inspire students.
We are proud of our collaborative ethos in which students offer each other friendship and acceptance while developing confidence and self-esteem.
We welcome you to the Baulkham Hills North Public School community.