Baulkham Hills North Public School

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Baulkham Hills North Public School use an online service called Signmee to manage all of our home-school written communications. Signmee has replaced all paper notes and provides each family with one central location for all written communications.


What is Signmee?

Signmee is a web based system which BHNPS uses to create and send online communications. These electronic communications/notes/forms can be filled out, paid for and signed online by parents without the need for printing or returning back to school with the student. Paper usage has reduced drastically since its implemetation at the start of 2019. Notes are also much simpler for parents, teachers and administrative staff to manage. All communications are able to be translated using online translation tools.  


What do we use Signmee for?

Signmee is used in addition to the Sentral Parent Portal. Together they replace all of the paper notes students receive in the home folders each day.

We use Signmee for all written communications including;

  • Excursion, incursion and camp forms
  • Sporting events and carnivals
  • Performing arts events
  • Fundraising forms
  • Newsletters
  • Whole school events
  • General information and notices


What do I need to do to set up Signmee?

When you try to fill in your first form, you will automatically be directed to a page to create a Signmee password. You will also need to provide a few pieces of information for verification - an alternative email address and/or phone number.


I am Registered - How Does Signmee Work Now?

Once you have created your password, you will have access to your Signmee Inbox. This is where all of your communications will be stored. You can access your inbox at any time on any web browser. Go to and click on the 'Log in' at the top of the screen. Once you sign in, you will also have access to a calendar filled with events relevant to your children.  

Signmee Alerts

Each time a form is sent, you will receive an email alert with a link to the form. Please note that the email will come addressed from Signmee, not Baulkham Hills North Public School. The title of the email will include the description of the note being sent.


Staying Updated

If you need to update your email address, you can do this from your account settings at any time. Please notify the school as well, so that we can update your contact details in our student system.


Problems and support

If you have any problems creating an account or accessing a form, simply click on the help icon in the bottom right corner of the screen. Alternatively feel free to contact the school and someone will be able to assist you.

We look forward to the benefits of using this new system next year. If you have any queries, comments or concerns please contact the school.